Heirloom Tomatoes

Nothing says late summer like heirloom tomatoes! Now I realize it’s fall, especially with the rain in Seattle this week, but I found the last of the heirlooms of the season this weekend!

One of my favorite snacks used to be tomato sandwiches: fresh bread, mayo, slices of juicy heirloom tomatoes. Heirlooms in particular are rich in flavor and super delicious. I am strict GF now and eat few grains, but tomatoes are so good just on their own!

heirloom tomatoes basil blog (3) heirloom tomatoes basil blog (2) heirloom tomatoes basil blog (1)


  • Tomatoes, sliced
  • Olive oil
  • Fresh basil, chopped (optional)
  • Sea salt (optional)


  • Drizzle olive oil on tomatoes and sprinkle with a little sea salt and fresh basil


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